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Written by Martin Coppard 11/10/2019

Tackling Mental Health in Your Workplace

One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point.1

Mental Health problems are often a reaction to a difficult life event but can also be caused by work-related issues. Work can also aggravate pre-existing symptoms.

Poor mental health is a growing problem in society; stress, depression and anxiety accounting for 57% of working days lost in 2018 employers can no longer overlook its impact or shy away from talking about it. 

We are proud to be offering Mental Health First Aid training courses to businesses who want to tackle Mental Health in their workplace.

The courses provide delegates with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions, give them skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help. It will also cover ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace.

Whether work is causing the health issue or aggravating it, employers have a legal responsibility to help their employees.

The courses provide solutions for all with half day awareness training, a single-day course directed towards managers, supervisors and team leaders, and the full two-day (Level-3) ‘Award in Supervising First Aid for Mental Health’ for those intended to become Mental Health First Aiders.

Our first course running is the Level 3 (two days) ‘Award in Supervising First Aid for Mental Health’ on 28th and 29th November. See below to book or find out more, and don’t hesitate to contact our Risk Consultancy Director, Martin.

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1 Mental Health - HSE

2 By Type of Ill-health – HSE

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