Safeguarding your transactions
Trade Credit insurance safeguards short term cashflow and supports sustainable growth, whilst reducing your exposure to non-payment and bad debt.
Sutton Winson can organise Trade Credit insurance for you, protecting your business, whether that’s covering you in the UK or for export transactions across the world. You’ll deal directly with our experts who will help you to find the most appropriate cover and fully support you, should you need to make a claim.
Solutions tailored to your precise needs
Trade Credit insurance is specific to each client, so we work closely with you and your team to understand your business and ensure we structure a policy to suit your requirements. We’re an independent broker, with wide access to the market. We work for you and see ourselves as a trusted advisor, negotiating with providers to deliver robust cover at competitive rates.
Policy types include:
- Whole turnover, Multiple buyer, Single debtor and Advanced Payment
- Export
- Catastrophe cover and Political risk
- Specialist Bonds and Sureties including Performance Bonds,
- HMRC Custom Bonds, Movement Guarantees, Roads and Sewer Bonds, Reinstatement Bonds and Rural Payment Agency Guarantees.
Our Credit insurance is tailored to our specific needs, so we can maximise our plans to expand and grow, domestically and internationally. The key benefit to us is removing the risk from our balance sheet and providing the security, which our Lenders and Shareholders require.
The benefits of Trade Credit insurance
Trade Credit insurance can give you easier access to finance, by offering your lenders the security they require. It can help you to gain competitive advantages by highlighting opportunities and identifying risks. And it can help you to reduce bad debt provision, freeing up cashflow in your business.
Deep experience you can rely on
From manufacturing and construction to technology and recruitment, we have broad sector experience in organising Trade Credit insurance, Bonds and Sureties in the UK and overseas.
We’ll manage and change as your business evolves. And should you need to make a claim, you can rely on our dedicated in-house Claims team who will support you all the way.
Talk to us
Need commercial insurance?
We provide commercial insurance to businesses of every size, taking time to ensure you’re compliant and protected.