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This will vary dependant on the type of Travel Insurance policy you have, when you booked your holiday, when you’re due to depart and what your Travel or Tour Operator is offering to do for you. In the past year we have seen many Travel Insurers pull out of the market, increase their prices or significantly reduce their cover. If you’re in any doubt, get in touch and we will try and help.

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you when or where you should book your holiday, but the best advice we can give would be to book your holiday at a time that the FCDO and Traffic Lights system are “Green” for your destination.

The Government have advised that the status of all countries is set to be reviewed at least every 3 weeks, so this could mean significant and rapid changes. If you have already booked your holiday, the status of your destination may well change prior to the departure of your trip, so we’d recommend keeping an eye on the FCDO Travel Advice page in the run up to your departure.

As COVID-19 continues to cause travel disruption, it raises questions about what your travel insurance policy will and won’t cover you for. This bulletin is designed to give you guidance if you have a trip booked which has been affected by COVID-19. 

Please refer to your travel insurance policy wording and terms & conditions for specific details of what your policy does & doesn’t provide cover for.

General advice

In most cases, no, Travel Insurance policies will not cover you if you’re travelling at such a time that the FCDO are advising against travel. If you do need to travel for essential purposes, please do get in touch and we can discuss your options, but please do not take it upon yourself to make this decision, as you would be likely to find yourself without cover when you need it most.

If you think you need to cancel your holiday

It goes without saying that the prospect of going on holiday hasn’t been the same since we all first heard the words “Coronavirus Pandemic” – but with the Government introducing a new Traffic Lights system and allowing International Travel with effect from May 17th – it’s a much needed step back towards normality – but what does this actually mean?

Below are FAQ's about how the Traffic Lights system is intended to work*. We've also written '5 things to consider before booking a holiday' to help you be better informed before going abroad.

If you're still unsure about what to do, call the team on 020 8891 4013 and we'll be happy to help.

*The system is new and may be subject to rapid change of alteration by the Government. We will look to update this page should there be any changes or if new information has become available. 

Last updated: 20/05/2021

What's the purpose of the Traffic Lights system?

The Government have said that FCDO advice should tally with the colour grading on the new Traffic Lights system, which makes both systems easier to follow. Compared to the “old system” it breaks down as below:

  • Red – “…advise against all travel”
  • Amber – “…advise against all but essential travel”
  • Green – “Normal safety precautions”

For example, a destination that is currently being “advised against all but essential travel” would be Amber, but if you were travelling for an essential purpose, the Amber Traffic Lights status would outline what you would be required to do to both leave and return to the UK, if you did travel.

Essentially, the new Traffic Lights system is intended to offer guidance on quarantine and testing requirements for travel to and from the UK, and is intended to be used in line with Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) advice on travel on a destination-by-destination basis. It’s the Government’s intention that the two should be in line with one another.

Although May 17th will mean it is no longer against the law to travel internationally for leisure purposes, as it had been previously, it’s very important that you check the entry and exit requirements for your destination and check that you’re able to meet the Entry Requirements section on your destinations specific page on the FCDO website.

Does the new system mean I can travel freely now?

So how do the Traffic Lights work compared to the system of following FCDO advice?

Essentially, the new Traffic Lights system is intended to offer guidance on quarantine and testing requirements for travel to and from the UK, and is intended to be used in line with Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) advice on travel on a destination-by-destination basis. It’s the Government’s intention that the two should be in line with one another.

Surely I can book my holiday based on the level of quarantine I’m happy to accept?

So does this mean my Travel Insurance will cover me if I choose to go to an Amber country?

I’ve already booked a Holiday to a country currently in Amber status – what should I do?


If you are considering cancelling or rearranging your trip, your first port of call should be your travel provider(s) (airline, hotel, train company, etc) to see if you can obtain a refund or amend your travel plans.

Next speak with your credit card provider (if the trip was booked using a credit card, and the amount paid was over £100) as you should be able to claim under Article 75 of the Consumer Credit Act.

Finally, speak with your travel insurance claims team (you’ll find their details in your policy wording). Any claim made would be subject to the policy terms and conditions, when the policy was purchased and when the trip was booked.

Information last updated: 20/05/2021

Firstly, you should always follow the advice given by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), local (overseas)/UK health authorities and, if abroad, the local British Embassy. 

FCDO advice can be found at

Secondly, contact your travel provider (airline/hotel/tour operator/etc) to discuss options such as refunds, amendments or postponements.

Information last updated: 20/05/2021

I haven’t yet booked a holiday – can you tell me when or where I should book?

What happens if the status of my destination changes between booking and departure? Can I claim on my Insurance?

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